"Welcome to the life of Electra Heart"

I kind of hate how people think just because you love rock/metal music you aren't suppose to really like pop. And I'm not talking about just like it-as you may already know I live and breathe rock/metal music. But I'm not going to say that pop music is not important. I think people tend to think that because some pop artists don't write they're own music, or it doesn't mean anything...but I can truly-in tears-speak about how much, Welsh artist, "Marina and the Diamonds"'s "Electra Heart" album has touched me. Lyrically-its unlike any pop album I have ever heard...the lyrics-the whole idea behind the album...I have gone to bed with the lyrics in my head, bringing tears to my eyes and that is something I normally don't do on anything but rock/metal music. Marina( who's full name is Marina Lambrini Diamandis) has stated that the album was influenced by Marilyn Monroe and Marie Antoinette...and of coarse Madonna-the album centers around characters-"archetypes" that represent different female identity...but to me the album is about following a dream...it's just truly amazing.
My favorite tracks are...
1. State of Dreaming
Marina sings, "I really want is..to be wonderful" the very familiar quote spoken by Marilyn Monroe. The lyrics "My life is a play" can be hinted throughout the album, identifying the different characters.
2. Valley of the Dolls
You'll probably never hear lyrics this dark and meaningful in pop music. Truly touching.
3. Bubblegum Bitch
great beginning to the whole ablum
4. Primadonna
"Living life like I'm in a play.." this character is the one that wants the world.

 Oh dear diary, I met a boy. He made my doll heart, light up with joy. Dear diary, we fell apart. Welcome to the life of, Electra Heart.” 

                                                        Gonna buy the box set too!!!

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Gimme thousand years of love

Today I bought one of the greatest bands in the world's new album "X" like at 5am this morning, since we Americans were..I guess saved the best for last? Was so jealous that it was released in Europe first and we had to patiently wait two more weeks haha but its finally here! And god, was it worth the wait. "X" IS the album of the year, I already know it...what could be better than this? I am highly impressed with these new songs and it really amazes me how The 69 Eyes are able to stay so good, and so true to they're music for so long. So I recommend that you go out and BUY THIS ALBUM. I got mine both on iTunes and CD. So here is my review of this jewel of an album:
Love Runs Away: The first song off the album that brought tears to my eyes already told me what I was in for. This song is pure Scandinavian goth n roll with very emotional lyrics.
Tonight: WILL become one of your favorites!-its definitely one of mine! Its so good!!! Jyrki sings in this song, "Gimme thousand years of love" which is very symbolic to me...and really touched me because it made me think of how I view this band's immortal music.
Black: Another favorite! This song is very sexy, dark, and romantically sad at the same time.
If You Love Me The Morning After: SUCH a great song! Another fall in love Favorite! this is the kind of song that will make you cry even more, and when I went to bed I fell asleep with the song on.
Red: The great hit single!
I Love The Darkness In You: Another Favorite! You gotta love how Jyrki sings, "So fucking dirty, um.." ( which I'm wondering did he get that from Lux Interior ;) The song is really heart-touching because its about loving the darkness in someone...preferably with blue eyes, as he hints in the lyrics.
Borderline: This song is one of THE BEST SONGS ever! It reminded me of The Rolling Stones "Angie", thats how great it is...but it also has some mixture of The Doors, and Elvis( Jyrki even says "Thank You" at the end of the song just like Elvis, its so cool).
I'm Ready: great song, the more dance-able song on the album, it reminded me of they're old stuff-its super old school 69 Eyes, if you ever heard they're early work :)
I Know What You Did Last Summer: THE BEST SONG ON THE WHOLE ALBUM THIS SONG IS THE HIT SONG THAT WILL REPLACE LOST BOYS. haha...yeah...its that good. "As the fall turns to rust, October's lust" ( best lyrics ever). This song is super Halloween, very 69 Eyes, its just GREAT!
When a Love Comes To An End: great, soft song. very deep.
Rosary Blue feat Kat Von D: two words: just beautiful.

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Happy Birthday to the Queen-Madonna

Today is the day the incredible Madonna was born. Being a girl who is into 80s sleaze metal, rocknroll, punk rock, and rockabilly I really have lost all taste in pop music-especially nowadays. But one can surely not ignore the power and amazing-ness of Madonna. She is a legend and I have to admit-she is one of my main influences for style. Her style is the perfect combination of 80s sleaze metal and vintage pin up girl( since Marilyn Monroe was one of Madonna's influences). Listening to all my Madonna albums at the moment I am thinking about just how great and powerful the 80s were. It was a time when Heavy Metal was mainstream, the goth subculture was just starting to bloom with greats such as The Cure, The Sisters of Mercy, and Siouxie and the Banshees was rising in England, and MTV was actually cool.  So not only is this blog post a dedication to her but it is also a dedication to everything 80s that has touched my heart-and others around the world.

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"When Something Is Broken"

I really can't even put into words how much I love everything The 69 Eyes do. With so many new singles coming out this summer, your music collection is without a doubt a shame if you haven't heard they're new single, "Red" which will be released Auguest 13th on iTunes for us Americans :) ( mark your damn calendar). You can hear "Red" on Revolver Magazine.com ( I hope this means Revolver plans on putting them on the cover of the magazine this year or next year). Don't know how these vampires do it but they always know how to bring goth into something completely different with each album-who's ready for the new black?


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Diminished 7

I'm not really into L.A. bands, because most of them nowadays are either too emo or too metalcore-which I dislike both...or they're just not authentic enough for me. But Alex Crescioni sure does know how to bring Scandinavia to L.A! I am HIGHLY impressed with his band Diminished 7, which I think everyone should take a time out in your day and listen to this band! Diminished 7 is a gothic rock band from....Hollywood, surprisingly with REAL gothic influences, not...I'm not even gonna go there, but anyways..They're album "Dim World" is SO good, and they are in the process of coming out with a new album this year, which they have already released a new single and video entitled, "Queen in Nuclear Rain". My two favorite genres of metal is Sleaze Metal and Gothic Metal, and I just cannot believe I found a real gothic rock band from L.A! This feels almost strange that I'm not into a band from Europe...never thought a band so good, could be so local. Keep it dark, boys!

GREAT album

The beautiful Alex Crescioni


Cool New Video

Listen to this song and you'll LOVE this band

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Black Circle Boys

I love independent films. They usually come from small budgets, have almost new or underground actors, and have a very simple story lines-sometimes confusing, sometimes more raw than an original movie. Recently I watched a film called, "Black Circle Boys", which was a Sundance Independent Film in 1997. It's about an all-American guy name Kyle who's family moves into a new town after the death of his friend. He makes only one new friend, but ends up becoming apart of this satanic goth/metalhead gang, where they harm others and do drugs and eventually end up killing people. It's a pretty dark film. And the ending is kind of strange. But all-in-all I really enjoyed this movie. I even was in tears when Shane Carver( the leader of the gang-really cold and evil) kills Rory-it was so mean! This movie is definitely a unique piece to any independent/b-movie fan-would so recommend buying it.

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L.A Guns "Hollywood Forever"

I've been meaning to tell you all about the recent album from legandary Sunset Strip sleaze band L.A Guns, but I've been studying a lot( which sucks :/) so...here's my review! I bought it the day it came out, and I was so pleased! Whoever said they're style wasn't the same authentic sleaze style was SO wrong-it is so L.A Guns and more! You should really go out and buy this album. Since buying it I listen to at least one song from the album everyday, it's just so good! My favorite tracks? um....Underneath The Sun, Burn, Dirty Black Night, Sweet Mystery, Queenie, You Better Not Love Me.....bascily the whole album!

Video for You Better Not Love Me

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Eazy Tyger

Hailing from Ireland with the classic sleaze sound of L.A Guns, Irish sleaze rocker Eazy Tyger may just be my new favorite band! I just bought they're album "Earn Your Stripes" and it is full of everything that's my kind of sleaze! My favorite songs off the album are "Head Over Heels", "Make Love Tonight" and "Nightlife" Check them out!

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"Cause she’s got freedom in the 21st Century"

Today I bought Jack White's new album "Blunderbuss" just because I was really in the mood for some authentic music, that I know Jack delivers. The album is a very unique piece of musical art work, consisting of beautiful vocals, classic bluesy guitar sounds, and even heavier deep lyrics(everything from abuse to love to murder). My favorite tracks are...Freedom at 21, Sixteen Saltines, Trash Tongue Talker, and Weep Themselves to Sleep". This album is also on LP. Which is just....wonderful.

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The Bad Boys of British Rock N' Roll

You know, England is known for it's really influential and great rock and punk bands; both in music and style. I just so happen to come across another one of those bands( and they're taste of rock n roll is loud and SLEAZY=best combination) called Falling Red. And no they are not from London( Americans have a habit of thinking everyone from the UK is from London-ok, I've been guilty of that :/) they are from Manchester...where ever that is..but anyways they're music is fucking GREAT!! I bought they're latest ep "Hasta La Victoria Siempre" the minute I heard a 30 second sample of one of they're songs! So, this is a band you should really keep your eye out for. My favorite song from the ep?.."If You Ain't Down With The Rock"

Don't forget to check out the band's cool merchandise!

Amazing interview, I LOVE they're accents! And Dann is so cute!(he's my favorite by the way)

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Crazy Lixx's "Riot Avenue"

Sleaze Rock n Roll fans everywhere probably already knew about the April 24th release of Crazy Lixx's new album, Riot Avenue. I woke up the morning it came out and rushed to go to the store to buy a itunes card, came home and bought it! I was sooo excited! And needless to say, the Swedish sleaze rockers have YET impressed me again with they're even faster 80's authentic sound that can only come from Sweden ;) Go out and buy if you haven't already!!

It's my decision, cuz i found a new religion

New Merchandise for the New album!

haha funny! Don't know what they're saying but it's cool.

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Crucified Barbara released New Video

As some of you sleazy girls and boys may know, Crucified Barbara released they're new single "Into the Fire" a few weeks ago, and now the girls released a video just today. It's a single from the upcoming album, The Midnight Chase which is due to drop pretty soon this summer-I can't wait for that-along with some other Swedish bands who are dropping new albums this year-this band is definitely one of my tops!-Check it out!

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"As the daylight died on the summertime suicide"

okay,let me tell you why twitter is cool.Not only do you get to follow your favorite bands and see what they're up to, and follow people that keep you updated on important things going on( like new albums, music news, etc) you get to meet people who are so fucking cool..it's unbelievable. People who have a lot of things in common with you, and aren't weird creepy Internet people. One person I am dedicating this Friday night to is a fucking cool ass rocker name Ian( he's not actually a rock star-but he should be one-he looks like one and I'm sure he has a talent :) from North Carolina-can you believe it-North Carolina! Out of all places. He is cool because he is nice, loves the best music in world( everything from The Cure to David Bowie to the Swedish band Sister-anything rocknroll, sleazy, metal-just everything cool-I even started listening to some bands that were on his tumblr page), his viewpoints on world issues are very logic and fair-you can tell he's a good hearted person. Someone who can rock leopard and red pants is a friend for life!


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Sleaze Looks!!

Items that I put together on my polyvore page!


One Teaspoon classic black dress
$90 - generalpants.com.au

Black jacket
$437 - barneys.com

Steve Madden punk boots
$110 - endless.com

Yves Saint Laurent lip makeup
$32 - bergdorfgoodman.com

Glam Groupie Look

Floral top
$45 - topshop.com

Insight 51 short shorts
$50 - generalpants.com.au

Revlon lipstick
$6.49 - target.com

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