The Bad Boys of British Rock N' Roll

You know, England is known for it's really influential and great rock and punk bands; both in music and style. I just so happen to come across another one of those bands( and they're taste of rock n roll is loud and SLEAZY=best combination) called Falling Red. And no they are not from London( Americans have a habit of thinking everyone from the UK is from London-ok, I've been guilty of that :/) they are from Manchester...where ever that is..but anyways they're music is fucking GREAT!! I bought they're latest ep "Hasta La Victoria Siempre" the minute I heard a 30 second sample of one of they're songs! So, this is a band you should really keep your eye out for. My favorite song from the ep?.."If You Ain't Down With The Rock"

Don't forget to check out the band's cool merchandise!

Amazing interview, I LOVE they're accents! And Dann is so cute!(he's my favorite by the way)

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Crazy Lixx's "Riot Avenue"

Sleaze Rock n Roll fans everywhere probably already knew about the April 24th release of Crazy Lixx's new album, Riot Avenue. I woke up the morning it came out and rushed to go to the store to buy a itunes card, came home and bought it! I was sooo excited! And needless to say, the Swedish sleaze rockers have YET impressed me again with they're even faster 80's authentic sound that can only come from Sweden ;) Go out and buy if you haven't already!!

It's my decision, cuz i found a new religion

New Merchandise for the New album!

haha funny! Don't know what they're saying but it's cool.

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Crucified Barbara released New Video

As some of you sleazy girls and boys may know, Crucified Barbara released they're new single "Into the Fire" a few weeks ago, and now the girls released a video just today. It's a single from the upcoming album, The Midnight Chase which is due to drop pretty soon this summer-I can't wait for that-along with some other Swedish bands who are dropping new albums this year-this band is definitely one of my tops!-Check it out!

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