Sunday, February 19, 2012

"69 Ways How To Make It"

For those that don't have twitter accounts, you may not be aware that Jyrki from the Finnish band, The 69 Eyes has a tumblr page-and yes this is the real lead singer, if you followed the band on twitter you would know that. Anyways I think this is so...just freakin cool. The 69 Eyes are one of very few iconic "new" bands to me that are around now a days, they're image and music, and band members-just everything about this band is so legendary. I know for a fact that 30 years from now, I'm going to be walking down St Mark St in New York and see lyrics from The 69 Eyes spray painted on a building. LOL. So I think its really cool that Jyrki is into things like twitter, facebook, tumblr..for all the younger fans like me who live in such a modern technology world. I can not wait to the new 69 eyes album comes out, as always I'm going to pre order, and I already know it's going to be the album of the year, and everything else that comes out won't  compare to it...this freakin rocks.
ps=I love how Jyrki used his really long Finnish last name. lol.


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