The Best Of Indie

My kind of Rock n Roll usually consists of heavy metal, sleaze rock, rockabilly, and punk rock. I never was into the "softer" type of rock music, especially indie rock music. But I do have to admit, there are two types of indie rock musicians that I partially love and that's Miles Kane and British rock band, The Horrors. Well, actually both of them are British. Miles Kane's music is very different to me-retro mixed with your typically Brit rock music. And I love his sense of style. Every type of rock music has a certain style to it-and his look really fits his kind of music. The Horrors are more indie rock mixed with punk. It's no getting better than them. They are the most different kind of band in the indie music scene.

Miles Kane
"Music and fashion have a symbiotic relationship for me. Looking good is as important as the music. I want to look sharp to reflect the music I’m creating."

Great Album!

The Horrors


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The Last Vegas "The Other Side"

If you haven't seen Chicago's bad boys, The Last Vegas's latest video-then you must go see it now! This HAS to be one of the best rocknroll videos I've ever seen. "The Other Side" is a bad ass, sexy song about..a girl, of coarse-a seductive girl..this song just rocks. Its loud, hard, and sleazy.:) And I just love C.C(Chad Cherry for those who don't know)'s voice. And his moves. The video features ledgendary cult actress Sybil Danning! How cool is that!

Check out they're website for cool merchandise

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Blutengel's "Nachtbringer"

Successful Dark Pop/EBM group Blutengel has released a new video and EP entitled, "Nachtbringer". The EP contains eight new songs full of catchy dark club anthems.

Don't you just love Chris's nails? ♥♥♥♥


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RAMMSTEIN: 'Mein Land'

German Industrial Metal Superstars, Rammstein released the video for the song, "Mein Land" yesterday, and the video is directed by the great Swedish director Jonas Åkerlund. The song "Mein Land" will be released on November 14. As for the video? Well, I think it's one of the best metal videos ever. It's so fun and L.A! I love the pinup swimsuits and Hawaiian outfits!

Made In Germany 1995-2011
Release Date: December 6

"Mein Land" Fashion

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Glam Groupie

Every once in a while, a girl loves to look like total trash. In a good way.  Especially us rocknroll girls. It's sleazy and fun..and the guys love it. And it can be a really, really cool dressing style. It's perfect for a night out with the guys, a concert, or a night out at a party . Plus, It gives you a way to look tough AND feminine at the same time. But sometimes, it can be a very hard look to pull off. So girls don't forget...
1.) To have BIG teased hair
2.) Have your makeup done in a "90's" fashion look
3.) Don't wear too much jewerlly
4.) Mix and Match

Glam Groupie Look

Black corset shirt
$45 -

Insight 51 short shorts
$90 -

BLACK EYEWEAR plastic sunglasses
£147 -


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Lacrimas Profundere's "Lips"

The German gothic band, Lacrimas Profundere are the one of the leading bands in the dark, romantic world of rock music. I personally love they're style of music, and they're lyrics-which are about love, but they talk about love in a hopeless romantic way-always the best! The song entitled, "Lips" from the recent album, "The Grandiose Nowhere" was released as a video on the 4th of November-which is way I am blogging about it! This video is so cool! It's dark and sexy-just like Lacrimas Profundere's music!

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"When The Dark Does What The Dark Does Best-It's Darkness!"

Deathglam rockers, Deathstars are one of my favorite bands of all time and I have been a long time fan of they're music. I even remember the days when they were a fairly new band and not that many people knew about them. It really touches me to see that they have become so successful and that they will release a "greatest hits" album on November 15, 2011 after only three albums. This was a really good move for the band, I think, since they are on tour with the legandary Rammstein. The album is entitled, "The Greatest Hits On Earth" ( Deathstar fans know where that comes from :) and will feature two unreleased tracks, "Metal" and "Death Is Wasted On The Dead"

Music Video for "Metal"


Deathstar Fashion!

Made in Germany

Mandarin collar jacket
$2,195 -

Balmain zip pants
$1,255 -

Alexander Wang open toe boots
$439 -

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