Monday, August 1, 2011

"Gotta Get you Rockin, Baby Shaking Your Hips"..How To Dance To Rock Music

My life as a Bombshell who loves rocknroll/heavy metal music is a party when it comes to dancing. I just love the way loud, hard, sleazy music makes me feel- like moving to the guitar riffs and drum beats. Unfortunately, I always get the question from outsiders, "How do you dance to rock music?" "Can you move your hips, do they shake they're butts-what do you guys do?"-What silly questions! Of coarse you can do all those things! To rock or heavy metal. Many people who aren't use to listening to rocknroll don't hear the natural beat and rhythm that is present in the music. People like me, who love rocknroll music more than any other genre of music understand how to dance to it the minute we hear it. It's VERY danceable. So, I'm going to provide you with tips on how to dance to rock/heavy metal music if you've discovered this beautiful music genre..but are confused on how to dance to it if you were to go to a rocknroll party.
1. Practice with Electronic/Dance music.
WHAT?! -yep, that's right, practice with Electronic music or even pop music first. Many people get how to dance to these types of music genres because they automatically hear the beat of the music. But what you don't realize is the same dance moves you use on those songs you can also use with rock music.
Song Examples: September's "Ricochet"
2. Bounce and Shake
Now when I say that I don't mean go jumping off the wall. Think sexy. Remember you have to follow the beat and rhythm of the music. Strippers are GREAT examples. Dance as if someone is watching you. Rock your hips from side to side, on faster beats, bounce lightly almost on your toes-make your boobs bounce-sounds hard to understand at first-but you'll get it. :)
3. Headbang
Ah-the famous headbanging. This only means to swing your hair. from side to side. up or down. in a circle( called the helicopter)
The pace depends on which bands you're dancing to-but headbanging is a must! This is what makes our dances different from everyone else-in rock-it's all about the hair!
4. Start off with Sleaze Metal
Sleaze metal/rock also known as hair metal is a great way of learning to dance -and train your ear to hear rock's natural dance rhythm.

Song List:

Vains of Jenna's "Baby's Got a Secert"

The Last Vegas's "I'm Bad"

Loud N' Nasty's "You Better Run"

Hardcore Superstar's "Moonshine"

The Heart Attack's "Widowmaking"

Wildstreet's "Poison Kiss"

5. Listen to the rhythm!
It's there-and it tells you want to do depending on what type of rock/metal you're dancing to!

It's not hard-only takes a few practice and confidence. Here's an example of what it all should look like in the end-the girl dancing in Buckcherry's "Crazy Bitch" video is a perfect example!


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